The Environmental Law Students' Association (ELSA) / L’Association des étudiantes et étudiants en droit de l’environnement (AÉÉDE)

About Us


The Environmental Law Students' Association (ELSA) / L’Association des étudiantes et étudiants en droit de l’environnement (AÉÉDE) hosts and promotes events and campaigns relating to law and the environment.

ELSA is a non-political, non-partisan student organization dedicated to enhancing legal protections for the environment by means of education and advocacy; to promoting environmental justice; and to raising awareness of environmental law and environmental legal issues.

Meet the Team

  • Megan Cormier


  • Jadianne Drysdale

    Vice - President

  • Julie Lopez

    Communications Officer

  • Laura Casciaro

    Events Officer

  • Jefferson Dong

    Finance Officer

  • Lydia Cossar

    French Officer

  • Sierra Orschel

    3L Representative

  • Candice Gomes

    3L Representative

  • Danielle Pazdzior

    2L Representative

  • Anuja Purohit

    1L Representative

  • Rhiannon Szewczyk

    1L Representative